Facebook Apps Development with OAuth

Nowadays Facebook apps are very popular among the people. There are various types of apps developed by many people. These apps are built most of the time for entertaining purposes.
If you have a Facebook account you can access that app without any issue. But do you know how we able to access an app which was developed by unknown person? That’s the point the OAuth word comes to our topic.

Actually what is this OAuth or Open Authorization mean?

 OAuth is a framework for delegated authorization. It’s a protocol to access an external party. 
 It allows an end user’s account information to be used by third-party services, such as Facebook / Twitter, without exposing the user’s password.

Let's see how this OAuth protocol is work.. (Have look at on this diagram)

In this blog post I’m going to show you how to create a simple Facebook application using OAuth.

Step 1: Registering the Client App in Facebook Developer Website

First go to the https://developers.facebook.com/ page.
Click Get Started if you are not already registered. 
If you are already registered click Add a New App

Provide a display name for your application and your contact email.
Then click Create App ID

Click the "Get Started" button in "Audience network"

Choose a platform. Here I have choose the 'Web'

After that you will see a page like this. There you should provide valid redirect URL in Valid OAuth direct URLs. In my scenario my Facebook app is hosted in localhost/facebook/ folder.

In “Settings” tab give the app domain and the Website URL… You can see the App ID and the App Secret here.

Step 2: Obtaining the Authorization Code

Now we will see how to use this Redirection point URL, App ID and the App Secret to get information from the Facebook.

We have to prepare the URL for this app. To that first of all we should encode response type, client ID, Redirect uri and scope. You can use online encoding tool for do it. 
Here is a sample online encoding tool https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/dencoder/

Here are some examples;

Before encoding – Code
After encoding – Code

Before encoding – 802321426608667
After encoding – 802321426608667

Before encoding – http://localhost/facebook/
After encoding – %20http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Ffacebook%2F

Before encoding – public_profile user_friends user_photos user_posts
After encoding – public_profile%20user_friends%20user_photos%20user_posts

Now type https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth? and combine all these encoded values and paste it on URL bar.


Then, you will redirect to a page like this.

Click on "Continue as <your name>" or you can edit privacy and then click on it.

Then this page will display;

This page appear because for real you don't have a project which supports http://localhost/facebook/.

But in URL box we can get the authorization code which sent from the Facebook


Step 3: Obtain access token

In the HTTP Headers, we need to add the Authorization header with the App credentials. 

App_ID:       802321426608667
App_Secret:        c80b2429187e1caf01f36591d18abc56


Now encode this whole value by using a 64 bit encoder..

To receive the Access Token we should clearly mention the token endpoint.
Before type this values in URL bar you should install the “RESTClient” plugin to your browser.
Then type https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token and give those values as before to obtain access token.

Step 4: Retrieving resources using access token 

Method – GET
Authorization: Bearer <access token value>

This will give user’s ID in JSON object format. Using this ID you can get any information you want.

Step 5: App Implementation

I implemented this using PHP. To do the implementation you have to get the Facebook SDK v5 for PHP. It’s also available in my github repository.
My github repository also contains a sample facebook application code. You can try it out also.

Sample Application

If you are not already logged in to your Facebook account, when you run the app you will display this page. This is the index.php page.

Then you will display the login page of Facebook. After login to your account you will redirect to 1.php (in my app) page. It’s like this;


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