
Showing posts from April, 2017

Introduction to Encryption

What is Encryption? Encryption is like sending secret messages between parties; if someone tries to pry without the proper keys, they won't be able to understand the message. In other words, it is the process of locking up information using cryptography (Cryptography is both the practice and the study of hiding information.) Definition:  ‘ The Process of converting plain text into cipher text, something that appears to be random and meaningless ’ is called as the encryption. Process of converting cipher text back into original text is called as decryption . Terminology Original message is called as plain text/clear text.   Encrypted message is called as cipher text/encrypted text.  A Key which is a secret like a password which is used to encrypt and decrypt information.  Ciphers are the specific algorithms which are used to encrypt and decrypt data. A cipher is series of well-defined steps that can be followed as a procedure to encrypt and decrypt m